For the best Quantum Fiber experience, we recommend using the equipment we provide. But we understand flexibility is important, so you do have the option to use a WiFi solution of your choice. No matter what you decide, there are some important things to know about this option.
Two types of equipment are needed in order to use the internet over both wired and wireless connections: a SmartNID/modem and WiFi equipment. Learn more about each of these below.
Quantum Fiber provides a modem at no cost when you become a customer.
The modem is the device that connects your home or small business to the internet. It receives signals from the internet provider (that's us!) and translates them into data that all the devices on your network can understand.
Did you become a Quantum Fiber customer before February 18, 2022?
Is your service address in one of the states listed below?
If you answered yes to either question, your Quantum Fiber modem may work as a WiFi router. Learn more >
To use WiFi, you'll need a network solution like 360 WiFi or a wireless router.
A router is what creates your wireless (WiFi) network. It also allows your devices to connect to each other for things like smart home applications. The router shares the internet connection to all devices as they need it, and "routes" data back and forth between devices. In addition, routers usually offer firewalls and other security controls to help prevent malware and other baddies from getting into your home network.
We recommend 360 WiFi for whole-home WiFi coverage, security features, in-app management and more.
If you have a modem or router from outside Quantum Fiber that you want to use, please first read this important information below. Cable modems and DSL modems will not work with our fiber internet service, and even a fiber modem will only work with the correct configuration. We can't provide a list of third-party modems that could work because we can't guarantee it would be set up the right way.
When you order Quantum Fiber service, we recommend 360 WiFi. If you opt out of 360 WiFi, you will need to provide third-party (non-Quantum Fiber) WiFi equipment to connect devices wirelessly to the internet.
If you do not choose a WiFi solution, you will only be able to access the internet over a wired Ethernet connection straight to the SmartNID or modem.
For the best Quantum Fiber experience, we recommend 360 WiFi. Here's why:
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