Multiple devices icon

Spotty connection - All devices

If you have 360 WiFi, check your pod coverage.
If you have a gateway modem/router, skip this step.

Believe it or not, too many pods is a more common issue than not enough pods, but either scenario can cause connection problems. So how many pods should you have? 

Devices list from app showing 30 connected devices

One pod (W1700K) < 4,000 sq. ft.

Add a second pod (W1701K) > 4,000 sq. ft. or with unique layout issues or dead zones

Devices list from app showing 30 connected devices

Two pods (Q9500) < 4,000 sq. ft.

Add a third pod > 4,000 sq. ft. or with unique layout issues or dead zones

If you have too many, disconnect one pod and adjust the position of the others if necessary to get even coverage. If you think you have too few, contact us to order another.