Icon of slow speed on a mobile device

Slow connection - One device

Restart your internet equipment

You can restart your SmartNID or modem from the app. Click through the screens below to see the steps. Or you can restart manually if you prefer.

Restart instructions are the same for SmartNIDs or modems.

Open the Quantum Fiber app. On the dashboard screen, select Network Information.

App screenshot of dashboard screen showing Network Information tile

Tap the purple button to Restart modem

App screenshot of Network Information showing Restart modem button

Tap Restart again on the pop-up screen to confirm. 

App screenshot showing modem restart confirmation pop-up

Wait while the modem or SmartNID restarts. This can take up to 5 minutes. You can close the app if you want and the restart will complete.

App screenshot of modem restart progress pop-up

Once your modem has fully restarted, you'll see a success message. Tap Close to return to the main screen.

App screenshot of restart modem success pop-up