Check the SmartNID status light
If you're still having connection problems, look at the light on the front of your SmartNID. A green light means the equipment is getting a signal from the network. If it's not green, see below for details.
Blinking red: The hardware test failed. You'll need help from a technician to fix this.
Solid red: Testing hardware during bootup
Blinking blue: Syncing with the network during bootup. If it gets stuck in this mode for longer than 10 minutes, try rebooting. If it repeats, you'll need to get help from a technician.
Solid blue: Syncing with the network is complete (bootup)
Solid orange: Account action is required to enable access. Chat with us or check for account alerts in the app.
Blinking orange / green: Remote firmware update in progress
Solid white: Transparent bridge mode (rare; manual setting for an advanced user)
No light: SmartNID is unplugged or is not getting power