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Amazon Fire TV Stick Offer
Limited time offer is available through Amazon.com. Offer requires new, qualifying residential Quantum Fiber customers to sign up for a qualifying up to 940 Mbps Internet service plan to be eligible for an Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max (“Device”), valued at $54.99. One Device per customer/account. Customer will be sent an email, after the order is completed, with instructions on how to redeem offer. Offer must be redeemed within 14 days of the date on the redemption email to receive Device. Customer must have a free Amazon account to redeem offer. Device is provided as-is, without any warranties or guarantees beyond the manufacturer standard warranty. Subscriptions will apply to certain third-party streaming and gaming services in order to access. Offer is not stackable with other Quantum Fiber offers. Quantum Fiber may change, cancel, or substitute offers and services, or vary them by service area, at its sole discretion without notice. Additional restrictions may apply.